n Allaahumma in kaana rizqii fis-samaa’i fa anzilhu, wa in kaana fil ardi fa akhrijhu, wa in kaana mu’assiran fa yassirhu, wa in kaana haraaman fa tahhirhu wa in kaana ba’iidan fa qarribhu bi haqqi duhaa’ika wa bahaa’ika wa jamaalika wa quwwatika wa qudratika, aatinii maa ataita ‘ibaadakash-shalihii

e preceding year.
“The fast of Arafah removes the sins of the past year and the next year.” He was also asked about the virtue of the Ashura fast? He replied, “The Ashura fast expiates the sins of the past y

Allah correctly.
Initially, Prophet Yunus AS began his dawah with great enthusiasm and tried hard to communicate his message. However, his people rejected to listen and kept on doing sinful acts. Observing their indifference, Prophet Yunus AS grew desperate and chose to leave them w

belly of a whale.
When recited sincerely, it is told that Allah SWT indeed removed his difficulty and granted forgiveness to Prophet Yunus. The following is summarized from various sources, Monday (4/12/2023) about la ilaha illa anta subhanak

SWT’s greatness.
Before encountering this critical situation, Prophet Yunus departed from his unyielding people. They persisted in ignore him and associate partners with Allah SWT. This uncaring attitude was met with a direct rebuke from Allah SWT, which is inscribed in His word in Surah Al Anb

its own benefits.
“It’s possible that the Prophet saw was only told about the excellence of Muharram outweighing Shaban in the final stages of his life, or perhaps the Prophet saw already knew about it but was unable to increase fasting in the month of Muharram due to various hindrances, such as illness, travel, and the lik

Muslims perform Tahajud prayers during the Night of Lailatul Qadr at Naif Mosque, Dubai (5/5/2021). 10 days before the end of Ramadan, Muslims perform I’tikaf to attain the night of glory (Lailatul Qadr) by reciting the Quran, doing Tahajud prayers and remembrance.

Dhikr is a deed beloved by Allah SWT, and those who do it daily are promised Paradise by Allah. If you beloved this short article and you would like to get more data about arti syafakallah kindly go to our own page. From Shaddad bin Aus radhiyallahu ‘anhu, he said that the Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “Whoever recites this dhikr during the day with full conviction, and then dies on that day before the evening, he will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. And whoever recites it at night with full conviction, and then dies before dawn, he will be among the inhabitants of Paradise.” (Narrated by Bukhari (7/150, no.

al fasting month.
“The most meritorious prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the last third of the night, and the most excellent fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muhar

yer of Dzun Nuun.
La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin is the supplication recited by Prophet Yunus AS when he was faced with difficulty. This refers to the story of Prophet Yunus AS when he encountered a calamity, that is being trappe

الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَتَطْمَىِٕنُّ قُلُوْبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ ۗ اَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ تَطْمَىِٕنُّ الْقُلُوْ


Meaning: “And [mention] the man of the fish, when he went off in anger and thought that We would not decree [anything] upon him. And he called out within the darknesses, “There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I hav

The definition of khusnul khotimah should be understood by every Muslim. This is due to the fact that many misunderstand this phrase. This relates to the disparity in meaning between the words khusnul and husnul, whic

There are various dates in the month of Muharram that are encouraged for performing voluntary fasting with numerous virtues. So, is it permissible to observe voluntary fasting on the 1st of Muhar

shonorable state.
Even so, these two phrases are actually just different transliterations but refer to the same word. Whether someone writes the meaning of khusnul khotimah or husnul khatimah or others, the intention is that which signifies a good end. Not any other meaning. Certainly, what is appreciated is the good intention you want to convey. The meaning of khusnul khotimah is undoubtedly conveyed with good intentions. Yet, it would be better if you use the proper word because you now know, not khusnul khotimah but husnul khotim

After understanding the meaning of la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin and its interpretation, you certainly need to know the story of Prophet Yunus AS. Prophet Yunus AS was a prophet dispatched by Allah SWT to his people, who were from a city in the Mesopotamian region (now part of Iraq). Prophet Yunus AS was tasked with the duty by Allah to communicate warnings and advice to his people so that they would repent from their evil deeds

Performing obligatory prayers in jamak takhir is one form of rukhsah or leniency in carrying out an act of worship in Islam. For example, when traveling after Asr, and only arriving at the destination at Isha time, we are allowed to perform jamak takhir for Maghrib and Isha prayers.