Invoice Number | HMS0023 |
Invoice Date | 27/02/2023 |
Due Date | 06/03/2023 |
Total Due | £0.00 |
Payment Details : Bank Halifax | Account no. 11310764 | Sort code: 11-14-03 | Account holder name: Sanjeev K Sharma
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | Re seal the shower seal & door fixed |
£180.00 | 0% | £180.00 |
1 | Kitchen plinth re installation & re secure dishwasher |
£80.00 | 0% | £80.00 |
1 | Beading edges in kitchen window EXCLUDING MATERIALS |
£200.00 | 0% | £200.00 |
1 | bath tub panel replacement s/f |
£100.00 | 0% | £100.00 |
2 | pack plinth socket clips |
£5.00 | 0% | £10.00 |
1 | piece of timber used in securing dishwasher |
£20.00 | 0% | £20.00 |
1 | beading angle | £8.40 | 0.00% | £8.40 |
Sub Total | £598.40 |
Tax | £33.27 |
Paid | -£631.67 |
Total Due | £0.00 |
Name on the account: Sanjeev Sharma
Sort code: 11-14-03
Account number: 11310764