Invoice Number | Invoice0003 |
Invoice Date | 07/02/2023 |
Due Date | 14/02/2023 |
Total Due | £0.67 |
click on the link below to pay please:
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | BBQ outdoor burner installation includes : |
£250.00 | 0% | £250.00 |
7 | Photos mounting |
£23.57 | 0% | £165.00 |
7 | fixing kits for photo frames | £4.29 | 0.00% | £30.00 |
Sub Total | £444.99 |
Tax | £60.68 |
Paid | -£505.00 |
Total Due | £0.67 |
Name on the account: Sanjeev Sharma
Sort code: 11-14-03
Account number: 11310764