No god but You, You are Perfect, Indeed, I have been among the oppressors: Asking for Aid
from Allah. 5. Long Istighfar: Astaghfirullah hal”adzim, aladzi laailaha illahuwal khayyul qoyyuumu wa atuubu ilaiih. Meaning: “I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, besides whom there is no God, the […]
How to Verify Khodam at No Charge, Just With Full Name and Birth Date
Flower Offerings Setaman flower offerings are a practice on the night of 1 Suro. This is done by providing setaman flower offerings in a container filled with clear water, placed […]
Muharram Fasting for Tasu’a and Ashura 2024: Dalil, Virtues, Timetable, Intention and Methods
he past year. عَنْ أَبي قَتَادَةَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ: أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ سُئِلَ عَنْ صِيامِ يَوْمِ عَاشُوراءَ، فَقَالَ: يُكَفِّرُ السَّنَةَ المَاضِي كَرِيْمُ Allâhumma mâ ‘amiltu min […]
Is it allowed fast on the 1st of Muharram a.k.a. Suro 1st, How about the legal verdict on this?
n Furthermore, the most renowned benefit of performing Dhuha prayer is gaining ease in sustenance. This is because Muslims who perform this prayer will gain something like ganimah or spoils […]
Steps for the Duha Prayer, Including Reading the Niat and Prayer, along with Its Remarkable Merits
khusnul khotimah. Husnul denotes good while khusnul denotes dishonorable. So, the meaning of khusnul khotimah is a shameful end. Surely, this will be catastrophic if someone departs and then you […]