Tahajjud prayer and dhikr will be more comprehensive for a devout worship ritual. Before saying prayers, it’s best to praise and be grateful for Allah SWT’s blessings through dhikr. Here are the dhikrs to be recited
Meaning: “O Allah, our Lord, all praise is for You. You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is for You, You are the Sovereign of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is for You, You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is for You, You are the Truth. Your promise is true. The meeting with You is true. Your Word is true. Paradise is true. Hell is true. The Prophets are true. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is true. The Hour (o
i wa sallam.
Meaning: “O Allah, preserve our faces with wealth, and do not dishonor us with poverty so that we have to look for sustenance from those who seek Your sustenance, and ask for mercy from Your evil-minded creatures and occupy ourselves praising those who give to us and be tempted to criticize those who do not give to us. Yet You, behind all that, are the One who has the authori
tain Indonesians.
Khodam is also recognized as a human partner, acquired through passing down from forebears or from one’s own self. Someone who possesses a khodam is thought to be able to interact with spir
he city of Mecca.
Reciting the prayer after reading Surah Al Waqiah is greatly encouraged as it finalizes the reading of the Holy Quran. Furthermore, reciting the prayer after reading Surah Al Waqiah can be an potent and impactful way to acquire ble
itual Sensitivity
High spiritual sensitivity is also one of the characteristics of people who have khodam. So, the way to identify if someone has a khodam or not is to look at their spiritual sensitivity. Those with khodam have high spiritual sensitivity. For example, their ability to see things that are not
ٱلَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّ ٱلنَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا لَكُمْ فَٱخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَٰنًا وَقَالُوا حَسْبُنَا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِ
y to See the Past
The next characteristic of someone having a khodam is the ability to see the past. The way to know if someone has a khodam or not can indeed be seen from one’s ability to see the past. It is explained that khodam is a being that has existed for a long time and cannot be destroyed, but can be passed down. Therefore, someone with a companion or ancestral khodam will certainly have th
Dhikr is a way to get nearer to Allah SWT. It is one of the deeds most beloved by Allah. The Prophet SAW taught that remembrance of Allah is the purest act in His sight and can raise one’s status. Through dhikr, one can feel close to Allah and feel more drawn t
from Allah.
5. Long Istighfar: Astaghfirullah hal”adzim, aladzi laailaha illahuwal khayyul qoyyuumu wa atuubu ilaiih. Meaning: “I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, besides whom there is no God, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting, and I turn to
Tahajjud prayer is a prayer carried out in the final third of the night. Then, after performing the tahajjud prayer, we are advised to recite the tahajjud prayer. Reciting the tahajjud prayer is thought to be an
Both of these dhikr recitations can be practiced as a form of piety to Allah SWT. By reciting hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir, a Muslim surrenders to Allah and seeks protection only fro
t) is true.
O my Lord, to You I submit, in You I believe, on You I rely, to You I turn, for Your sake I dispute, and to You I refer for judgment. Therefore, forgive me for what I have done in the past and what I will do in the future, what I have concealed and what I have revealed, and what You know better about me than myself. You are the One who brings forward and You are the One who delays. There is no god but You. There is no power and no strength
ght of First Suro
The prohibition on holding wedding ceremonies on the night of first Suro is already very common, this includes the prohibition on holding other events or celebrations on the night of one Suro. Such as circumcision celebrations, birth celebrations,
in fasting month.
“The most meritorious prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the last third of the night, and the most excellent fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muhar
Night of One Suro
The prohibition on marriage on the night of first Suro is particularly implemented for communities in Solo and Yogyakarta. Some of them believe that conducting a wedding celebration in the month of
The concept of khodam is a broad depiction of the relationship between humans and spirits. An individual who possesses a khodam is believed to have the ability to converse with genies. The meaning of khodam originates from Arabic, which translates to servant, protector, special escort to accompany someone. This khodam or helper is often depicted as a fig
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