for Allah Ta’ala”

If we choose to do Asr prayer first, we only need to perform Asr prayer, with the intention of combining it with Dhuhr. Only after finishing the Asr prayer, without pause, immediately

The procedure for tahajjud prayer, its intention and prayers must be known by every Muslim. In addition, you certainly also need to recognize its great virtues to be more motivated in performing this act of worship. To perform this ritual, you also need to understand the time for tahajjud p

on’s personality.

In Islam, there is discussion about whether khodam is actually a jinn or not. Some contemporary Salafi scholars and certain opinions from Islamic history allow the use of khodam, if they are indeed regarded as jinn, with certain conditions and limitations. However, this opinion contradicts the perspectives of some scholars, such as Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, who considers seeking assistance from jinn or utilizing them in certain contexts can op

the screen.

The khodam results that appear can be very fun because they combine names with funny types of khodam, such as “Angry dolphin”, “Lovesick tiger”, “Jasuke”, “Badarawuhi”, “Hallucin


Meaning: “O Allah, indeed this dhuha is Your dhuha, this grandeur is Your grandeur, this beauty is Your beauty, this strength is Your strength, and this protection is Your protection. O Allah, if my sustenance is in the sky, then bring it down; if it is in the earth, then bring it forth; if it is difficult, then make it easy; if it is (unintentionally mixed with what is) forbidden, then purify it; if it is far, then bring it near; by the right of Your dhuha, Your elegance, Your beauty, Your strength, and Your power, bring to me what You have brought to

ed automatically.

Nonetheless, it must be remembered that khodam itself has a deep meaning in certain beliefs. They are viewed as guardians or companions who stay with someone. Even though the khodam verification process can be accessed easily, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between curiosity and the fait

odile, and so on.

In the context of certain beliefs, khodam is regarded as part of human beings that appears spontaneously or through certain processes. They are also believed to play a role in shapi

One of the voluntary acts of worship that can be carried out every day is the Dhuha prayer. Quoting the NU Online page, the time for Dhuha prayer is from when the sun ascends as high as one spear (seven cubits or 2.5 meters) until the time of zawâl (when the sun begins to


Meaning: “O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god worthy of worship except You. You created me and I am Your servant. I keep Your covenant and Your promise as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I admit Your blessings upon me and I acknowledge my sin to You, so forgive me. For indeed, no one can forgi

ond prayer first.

In other words, the method of combining Dhuhr prayer at Asr time can be done by performing Asr prayer first, or Dhuhr prayer first. This is based on the opinion of Ibnu Qisam Al-Ghazi

efore dawn.

During the month of Ramadan, a Muslim can still do the tahajjud prayer after performing the tarawih prayer. Besides our prayers being answered when reading the tahajjud prayer, there

owards the west).

Meanwhile, the charismatic scholar KH Yahya Zainul Ma’arif, also known as Buya Yahya, explains that the time for Dhuha prayer is after the sun is well above the horizon until just before it reaches directly overhead. As long as the sun is not directly above one’s head, it is still wit

Dhuha prayer is a sunnah prayer done in the morning. It begins when the sun starts to rise about a spear’s length or after sunrise (around 07.00) until before the time of Dzuhur prayer when the sun has n

The way of checking khodam for free is presently becoming a a hot topic on various online platforms, particularly on the TikTok app. This occurrence is drawing the interest of different groups, as it provides convenience for anyone to use it. Just by using one’s name and date of birth, anyone can experien

Tahajjud prayer is a prayer carried out in the last third of the night. Then, after performing the tahajjud prayer, we are encouraged to recite the tahajjud prayer. Reading the tahajjud prayer is believed to be an

When to do tahajjud prayer is of course something you need to understand before knowing the procedure for tahajjud prayer. When to do tahajjud prayer is recommended to be done in the last third of the night. When to do tahajjud prayer can be done at the beginning, middle, or end of the

t) is true.

O my Lord, to You I submit, in You I believe, on You I rely, to You I turn, for Your sake I argue, and to You I refer for judgment. Therefore, forgive me for what I have done in the past and what I will do in the future, what I have concealed and what I have revealed, and what You know better about me than myself. You are the One who brings forward and You are the One who delays. There is no god but You. There is no power and no strength

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